Numărul cazurilor active din județul Bihor a ajuns la 2.143, mai bine de jumătate dintre ele (1.108) fiind localizate în Oradea.
Potrivit datelor DSP Bihor, o singură comună din județ (Șinteu) nu avea luni dimineața niciun caz activ. La polul opus sunt două comune cu o incidență mai mare de 10 la mia de locuitori: Brusturi – 10,23 și Sâmbăta 10,09.
Persoane vaccinate în ultimele 24 de ore: 1.542;
Total persoane vaccinate cu schema completă: 188.961; (+700)
Total persoane vaccinate cu doza 3 (booster): 38.036; (+495)
Total reacții adverse: 80; (-)
Total doze primite în județul Bihor: 442.473;
Total doze administrate în județul Bihor: 387.595;
Total pierderi: 6.406 doze.
Număr de teste efectuate în ultimele 24 de ore: 663;
Cazuri noi în ultimele 24 de ore: 58;
Cazuri active la zi: 2.143; (-258)
Persoane internate ATI la zi: 72; (-2)
Total cazuri de la începutul pandemiei: 48.907;
Total vindecări de la începutul pandemiei: 44.419; (+305)
Total decese de la începutul pandemiei: 2.345. (+11)
Trimite articolul
XDraga domnule Primar Birta nu deschideti targul de craciun in Decembrie anulati pregatirile o sa fie focar de coronavirus acolo, va rugam mult.
Referitor la vaccin stiti ca contine Nano-Chip-5G si nu stiu daca chiar acum sau peste cativa ani o sa ne putem conecta prin Vaccin la 5 g ca sa ne verificam starea de sanatate.
Daca nu credeti uitati aici dovada reala si testata 100% vacinul contine nano microparticule chip-uri 5 g. Dovada reala Dovda 100% este adevarat
Si eu sunt Pro-vaccinare, de aceea mam vacinat cu Pfizer a 3 doza, dar doresc sa ma conectez acum la vacin prin 5 G ca sa imi fac o evaluare, dar am inteles ca doar peste cativa ani o sa fie disponobil acest serviciu, ca vor ca toti oameni se fie vacinati.
Vacinul ofera protectie, deci daca esti vacinat nu mai poti sa faci covid, ca vacinul te protejeaza
Dar marea mea intrebare este colegii nostri oamenii ne vor binele? de ne-a bagat chipuri 5 g In vacin sau nu? O fi de ajutor adica sa ne controlam noi sanatatea singuri si sa fie in ajutorul nostru? Sau sa ne controleze ei pe noi guvernul?
Stim cu toti ca vacinul oricare este defapt Vaccin Moderna 5 G si ca virusul ar fi defapt 5 g corona, si vacin ne protejeaza de acele radiatii 5 g
Serios vacinul chiar contine chipuri 5 g? este adevarat Giulia?
Nu ma vacinez de coronavirus ca ma chipeaza Bil Gat.
Am sa intreb intai medicul de familie si doar cu acordul lui o sa ma vacinez de coronavirus, dar sper ca nu ma cipeaza Bil Gat?
Sa ne vaccinam de corona virus dar chiar ne cipeaza cu nan chipuri Bil Gat? sau sa nu ne vaccinam, nu stiu ce sa fac, merg imediat la medicul de familie sa il intreb
Oamenii Buni sau Rai
Trezitiva la realitate, de ce credeti ca umbla ambulanta din secunda in secunda din cauza Antenelor 5 G plus asta inseamna coronavirus, si oamenii lesina si nu mai au aer in plamani si ajung la Spital ca radiatiile sunt foarte tari si mai ales pentru cei nevaccinati.
De ce credeti ca MEDICI nu se vacineaza oare????? spuneti de ce credeti ca un DOCTOR cu experienta in domeniu refuza vaccinarea, este simplu ca sa nu il chipeze cu un micro chip ca si pe un animal, de aia refuza medici vaccinare, vacinul contine chipuri metale 5 g.
TREZIREA OAMENII BUNI SAU RAI, asta este realitatea in care traiam, totul se intampla din cauza noastra nu a guvernului.
Nu zic vaccinul iti ofera protectie impotriva noului corona virus tulpina delta 5 g, ca ne protejeaza de radiatii vacinul.
Trezirea va rog! Beti 2 cafele si trezitiva la realitate.
Oamenii Buni sau Rai
Trezitiva la realitate, de ce credeti ca umbla ambulanta din secunda in secunda din cauza Antenelor 5 G plus asta inseamna coronavirus, si oamenii lesina si nu mai au aer in plamani si ajung la Spital ca radiatiile sunt foarte tari si mai ales pentru cei nevaccinati.
De ce credeti ca MEDICI nu se vacineaza oare????? spuneti de ce credeti ca un DOCTOR cu experienta in domeniu refuza vaccinarea, este simplu ca sa nu il chipeze cu un micro chip ca si pe un animal, de aia refuza medici vaccinare, vacinul contine chipuri metale 5 g.
TREZIREA OAMENII BUNI SAU RAI, asta este realitatea in care traiam, totul se intampla din cauza noastra nu a guvernului.
Nu zic vaccinul iti ofera protectie impotriva noului corona virus tulpina delta 5 g, ca ne protejeaza de radiatii vacinul.
Trezirea va rog! Beti 2 cafele si trezitiva la realitate.
Doamne ajutane sa ne trezim la realitatea in care traim si sa nu mai fim deacord cu acest guvern corupt ca noi le-am dat acordul ca sa baga coronavirusul si in Romania.
Noi suntem devina ca virusul a ajuns in Romania, Noi suntem vinovati si nu guvernul, noi nu ne-am opus la guvern cand a inceput epidemia in China si noi Romani am deschis granitele si am primit pe oricine.
Noi Oamenii suntem vinovati de acest virus ca noi le-am creat, nu la creat pisica mea sau animalul, Omul a creat virusul impotriva insusi lui.
Adica Omul a creat coronavirus impotriva insusi lui.
Principalul dusman al omului este chiar propia persoana.
Principala dusman al omului este omul!
Trebuie sa ne asumam raspunderea si nu sa fugim.
Eu imi asum, eu sunt devina pentru tot ce sa intamplat si este vina mea Cosmina semnez din cauza mea a ajuns virusul covid 19 in Romania, de ce din cauza mea? Sunt vinonata pentru ca nu mam opus sistemul si a guvernului si am permis ca virusul corona19 sa ajunga in romania adica am acceptat si nu am depus sesizare la guvern ca sa inchida granita si vamele si sa nu lasa pe nimeni in Romania. Eu sunt vinovata si imi asum EU Cosmina sunt devina.
Noi am creat virusul hai sa recunoastem, ca doar nu l-a creat pisica ta, noi lam produs covid19 noi Oamenii cu scopul de a imbolnavi pe noi adica noi am facut virusul impotriva noastra.
Trezitiva la realitatea. Omul nu isi vrea binele la insusi el Omul.
Colegii nostri oamenii au creat virusul impotriva noastra, colegii nostri oamenii poarta masca cu nasul pe afara ca sa se infecteze si dupa sa ne trimita si noua in dar virusul, cine omul adica noi
Noi Poporul Roman suntem toti vinonati pentru crime impotriva a noi oamenii si genocid in masa, noi le-am persmis ca virusul sa intre in Romania noi n-eam luat raspunderea si nu n-eam opus GUVERNULUI CORUPT si am acceptat tot ce a spus el.
Nu China este vinovata, noi suntem vinovati.
Si eu am dat spaga la medici la spitalul judetean ca sa se ocupa de bunicul meu, deci noi suntem vinovati pentru ca noi iam obsnuit pe medici cu spaga cu atentia noi. Medici nu au nici o vina.
Si acum ne socam si ne miram de ce oamenii pierd lupta cu covidul? Cine ia obsnuit pe medici cu spaguta? Tu si Eu
Sa ne asumam uciderea oameniilor pentru ca doctori nu se ocupa de ei, pentru ca nu mai avem bani sa le dam la medici.
Totul este din cauza noastra.
Eu Cosmina sunt vinovata directa pentru ca medici nu se mai ocupa de pacientii si lumea care ajunge in spital pierde lupta cu virusul pentru ca doctorii nu mai primesc spaga, ca nu mai sunt bani, eu cosmina ma si semnez sunt vinovata de uciderea si pierderea luptei cu virusul din cauza indiferentelor a medicilor ca nu mai primesc spaga ca nu mai avem bani sa le dam.
Va rog mai jos sa scrieti prenumele si sa va semnati ca sunteti vinovati de uciderea personalor in spitale deoarece medici sunt indiferenti si nu i trateaza pe oamenii ca nu mai primesc spaga medici.
Scrietiva numele mai jos si semnati.
Coronavirus ataca fiți atenți purtați masca complet nasul înăuntru nu afara
futa-ma dracu cati idioti puteti comenta aici. Astea sunt ideile pe care le auziti la banda la Plexus unde e plin de virusologi, imunologi si altii care au vrut sa faca o schimbare in viata lor si au ales sa lucreze acolo?
ce cati idioti? nu vezi ca e o singura persoana care isi tot schimba numele? :)))) iti dai seama ce afectata e asta de 5 g de ajunge sa faca asa ceva si mai si crede ca face ceva bine :))))
Semnez sunt vinovata, Adela
Pana cand ii dati voie acestei creaturi sa posteze imbecilitatile analfabete si incoerente?
Bitch, I’m smoking gas in my chambers like it’s the-
We’re sorry, your lyric could not be completed because (ayy, you Lil Darkie, nigga?)
And we want to suppress your opinion, fascistically
Take away the First Amendment!
All hail censorship! All hail our feelings!
My God is realer than yours, he said what I do is right
That I should fight if Heaven pours
I am very, very, sorry
My apologies, for coming off so harshly
Impart me, second chance
So I can dance the way you want me
You Nazi! Got me!
Take a lot more than that to top me
Soft ain’t what I’m made of
You’re the one acting like Adolf
Cocky, way that you goose-stepping
Way you loose lippin’, talking ’bout who trippin’
Talking ’bout who to shove under the bus
And who all of us trust that we shouldn’t
This just in, Lil Darkie is racist
Spreading the message of Satan with faces
Blacker than any of us prolly are
But I’m still offended ’cause I’m a retard
He tryna be hard, we tryna be safe
By making it hard for you to create
Niggas that heard of me fight and debate
I don’t deserve not one word of the hate
Mind control, all my thoughts are mine to hold
All down in my spinal cord
Bitch, this ain’t my final form
I got no time for you puppets, take yo’ opinion and shove it
I keep my spirit above it
I’m taking criticism if it isn’t ignorant
I’m not concerned with fitting in, I hit it different
I’m a cartoon, but niggas doing more pretending than me
Bitches act offended, they get me banned on IG
You don’t gotta be a hater, you don’t like me
Why I keep a grin on my face, on my teeth
All these niggas mad, they ain’t eating like concentration camps
Cut yourself escaping from, leaving over the nation fence
Most these niggas faking, not working, I’m puttin’ them aside
Smoke until there’s nothing remaining, I call it genocide
Phoney ass niggas plotting, whoa (I call it genocide)
Fruity niggas acting rotten, so (I call it genocide)
On yo’ shit nigga, you not been, hoe (I call it genocide)
I ain’t even think of stopping, though (I call it genocide)
Oh? What’s this? (Yuh-yuh)
Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch
I’ma fuck around, and Timmy Turner to the tippy top (tippy top)
I wonder if these niggas really grip these Glocks
Tripping acid, lipping flaccid dicking ’til she gimme top, uh-huh
Skipping to the store, I got a red hood on
Salvia, we ripping out a ten-foot bong
There’s a bitch inside my house, she keep on saying she’s in pain
Yeah, she’s sitting on my couch with burning needles in her brain
Divinorum in her veins, guess she was on Lexapro
The combo made her go insane
She feel calmer on cocaine (true story)
Don’t rap for fame (too whorey)
Bitch, whatchu sayin’?
I’m Super Saiyan, you super plain (Root for me)
I take my pain, make the music
Plant a bomb, can’t defuse it
I am calm, I am lucid
They betting on that he lose it, never had it to start with
Break you like using guitar pick
Constipated always making that hard shit
Contemplating taking niggas real far, shit
Things happen, niggas switch, you evolve with
Time moving, rhyme smoothin’
Stay focused, you will shine through sin
Street tacos get some dimes, who’s in?
Know a nigga threw the lime juice in
I know how to live (I know how to live)
I know how to die too
You could jump off a building
Eat mushroom for healing, put acid in your eyes too
I’ma fuck around, and Timmy Turner to the tippy top (tippy top)
I wonder if these niggas really grip these Glocks
Tripping acid, lipping flaccid dicking ’til she gimme top, uh-huh
Whipping up my visions, humans listen to the shit I drop (shit I drop)
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, huh, yeah, huh
Yeah, huh, yeah, huh
Yeah, huh, yeah, huh
Yeah, huh, yeah, huh
What goes around, comes around
Goes around, goes around, goes around, goes around, ayy
What goes around, goes around, goes around, goes around, uh
Spider gang shit (uh, Spider gang shit)
Goes around, uh, what you what (goes around, goes around, goes around)
(Yeah, Karma)
Don’t be afraid, step right up, step right up!
Take your turn at the legendary wheel of Karma
But remember, that what goes around
Comes back around, goes back around to you, yeah
What goes around, comes around
Goes around, comes around, goes around, come back to you
My mama told me that was true
People remember like elephants do
People forget all the elements too
Living and breathing, succeeding at music
At leading the crew with a passion
These niggas ain’t move
‘Cause they crashing and talent, they rationing
I’ll get a bat, I might bash him in
Gripping a blade, and I’m slashing him, happen to you!
I pull up on ’em no masking
I’m smokin’ that dope up in Lassen
With DRAIN THE SWAMP blasting I’m cool
I’m on the beach up in Tahoe
Packing that THC inside a RAW cone
I’ll be happy when it’s all gone
Mary Jane answer whenever she called on
I had to fall down, I’m smoking too much
Fold up a Post-It, I’m chiefing a blue crutch
I do not do Dutch, I don’t do Backwoods
Grab a leaf, only tobacco that smack good
I fucked that, I fucked that bitch in the Safeway
7 a.m. and I’m having a great day
I’m putting on weight like I’m Tay-K
Anime rapper, you sound like a Beyblade
Anime rapper, you hard or you not though?
Go sip on yo’ Wock’ and the bars that you pop, oh
You need a Glock on yo’ lap and it cocked or
You grip yo’ cock and you fap while you stalk hoes?
Niggas walk around in dark clothes
Bitch, I’m smoking at the park, O’s
Asking questions like a narc, no
Why you sitting at the start? Go!
Go, go, go!
Yeah, yeah, get it, get it, get it, get it, get it
Oh my, oh my (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
P-P-Pussy boy g-get out my way!
I’ll run up that check before I run any fades
Killing shit for fun but I ain’t catching no case
Chilling in the sun, a villain catching some rays
L-l-legalize the fungi nigga, I eat it anyway
It could start with one guy, nigga, the world got plenty fakes
It don’t need another fire with my brothers in the street
They don’t show no love, I sight the others, they look industry
Let ’em sleep, goodness me, tell me, what should this be?
Why you in my live talking shit? I ain’t saying shit to you
Keep my pride on my hip, that’s a weapon I can’t lose
Peep my vibe or keep zip your lips
Why won’t you choose to love everybody?
Bitch, how many times are you gonna ignore the signs and people’s rhymes?
Yo’ niggas are retarded, he slid and left his .9
Yo mama must have dropped yo’ ass upon you spine
I feel like Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, we mobbing through the lobby
That faggot tried to rob me
“No hoe” like D-Lo, bitch
I feel like Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, I think the copper saw me
But I ain’t chain link hopping
‘Cause I ain’t see no shit
Niggas will believe whatever you tell ’em, if you tell ’em enough
Helpful when you selling some stuff or starting a war
They rotten at the heart at the core
I’m plotting to pour LSD in the reservoir
All over the floor, I’m bringing Psilocybin on tour
I’m hiding the cure for fixing niggas, I’m very sure
Stop being depressed
Step outside and puff out your chest
He made you the best that’s ever gonna jump out the nest
I’m a crushing a pest, you rushing to get up like you next
You failing the test, impale yourself through one of your breasts
Somewhere on your chest
Your heart departs and leaves you with less
Now look at this mess
Bitch, pull yourself together, no rest
I feel like Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, I know that copper saw me
But I ain’t chain link hopping
‘Cause I’m up in his whip
Stop (I know you, motherfucker)
Stop resisting (fucking bitch), stop resisting (let me go, you fucking motherfucker)
Stop resisting (agh)
All you need to do is hop on the subway and go, go!
Let your brain leak out of your ears
Go insane, nigga, punch all your peers, ayy
Pick the kid up, nigga, wipe off your tears
We war-ready, I see you very clear
For the tribe, do it for the tribe nigga, or ’cause you alive
Free what is inside, nigga, I know why you cry
There is something vile, taking people ain’t no lie
I know we should smile bigger because we will die
Mama, why we die?
Tell me, mama, why we die?
I know why they hate me because I will not be shy
“I just wanna fly, Daedalus, I have to try”
“No, don’t be a fool, Icarus, you flew too high”
Son, move, get out of my way
He was just a boy, wanna play with the day
See him where he lay, now see him where he lay
Don’t succumb to ignorance, or you will have to pay with ya life
Play with a knife, you could filet what you write with
Stay outta fights
Tryna spit or you tryna gang-bang? Pick a type
I don’t wanna see no talented rappers dying to pipes
I won’t front, nigga, what you want?
I just wanna see you stunt on these hating ass sucka nigga cunts
Kick it punt, I don’t fuck with runts, 117 killing grunts
They in Heaven when I hunt, when I hit him then he…
Let his brain leak out of his ears
Go insane, bitch, I’ll punch all your peers, ayy
Pick the kid up, nigga, wipe off your tears
We war-ready, I see you very clear
Let your brain leak out of your ears
Go insane, nigga, punch all your peers, ayy
Pick the kid up, nigga, wipe off your tears
We war-ready, if you not why you here?
Go, go, go
One, two, one, two, three, nigga
Bitch, I’m killing everyone
Bitch, I’m causing a genocide
Fuck these rapping niggas, they capping
Tap in, pretend to slide
Bitch, I’m in the field like a soldier, I’m making fucking moves
Made of paper, nigga, I’ll fold ya, roll ya, and tuck in smooth
Niggas wanna talk, I don’t have the time
I be on the block meditating, making rhymes
Uh, you be hella hating, ain’t got no cock, got no spine (yuh)
There ain’t no debating, do not talk, make a line
Bitch, I keep it on me, like commie or an American
I ain’t smoking with you, but money could make me share it then
Sweeter than some honey and funny ’cause I ain’t very tan
Still the darkest rapper, you slapping, I’m killing every man
Huh, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
BI-BI-BI-BI, Yeah, yeah
BI-BI-BI-BI, Yeah, yeah
Are you still offended? (Are you?)
Let me know, please do not be
I care so much about how you feel